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Session 1: Multiple Sclerosis Session Speakers:

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Dr. Raed Alroughani is a consultant neurologist and the director of MS clinic at Amiri and Ibn Sina hospitals. He received his degree in medicine (MD) from Charles University. He completed his neurology residency at the University of British Columbia and subsequently obtained the neurology certification from the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeon (Canada). He then completed a fellowship in Multiple Sclerosis at the University of British Columbia.

Dr Alroughani’s fields of interest are principally directed towards the epidemiology and therapeutics of MS. He established the national MS registry and the multi-disciplinary MS clinic in Kuwait. He is actively involved in research and he authored and co-authored more than 100 publications. Dr Alroughani was awarded the National Prize for scientific production in the field of medical science in 2017 and the best researcher award by Amiri Hospital in 2018.

He is a founding member and the secretary general of MENACTRIMS. He is the vice chair of the Scientific Leadership Group of MSBase Foundation and an executive board member of ParadigMS Foundation. He sits on the executive boards of various scientific associations, steering committees and advisory boards, mainly in the field of MS.

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Prof. Peter Feys (PhD KULeuven, 2004) is professor in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy at Hasselt University, and dean of the faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences at Hasselt University Belgium. He is responsible for education of courses in neurological rehabilitation in a 3 years Bac and 2 years Ms educational program of Rehabilitation sciences and Physiotherapy, and a course in the master Occupational Therapy. Before working at UHasselt, he was clinical physiotherapist in Bürgerspital Solothurn (CH), University Hospitals Leuven and the National MS Center Melsbroek (Belgium).


Research-wise, Prof. Feys leads the neurological rehabilitating research at REVAL-UHasselt. His internationally renowned team performs innovative patient relevant research in the domains of auditory-motor coupling, motor fatigability, cognitive motor interference and upper extremity and trunk control. The research is mostly performed in persons with Multiple sclerosis and secondary stroke and CP. Peter Feys has published over 135 peer- reviewed articles in esteemed international clinical neurological, imaging, and rehabilitation journals. Another particular interest is contributing to the establishment of large databases that contain MS rehabilitation data besides medical and lifestyle information, specifically the MSDATACONNECT initiative (


Peter Feys has been president of RIMS (Rehabilitation in MS;, a European network of best practice and research from 2011-17 after having served as chair of the special interest group on mobility (2008-11) and secretary in the executive board (2008-11). The European network is including MS clinical centers, MS specialized health care professionals, MS societies and MS research centers. Amongst others, collaborative multi-center research on psychometrics of mobility and upper limb measures, and innovative interventions were established as well as other (educational) projects facilitated related to the access and content of physiotherapy in Europe and APPECO – Applying evidence with confidence (; a living documentation system.


Peter Feys is member of international initiatives:

Member of the PMSA scientific steering committee on the subgroup (1 out of 3) ‘Wellness and Rehabilitation’. PMSA stands for the progressive MS Alliance, which is an international global network dedicated to accelerating research and research implementation in the field of the progressive form of MS. See


Co-chair of the group ‘Outcome members’ of the MoXFO initiative: movement exercise in MS forward, led by prof. Ulrik Dalgas (Denmark) en prof. C. Heesen (Germany) within the RIMS network. Nationally, Peter Feys is member of the FWO (Flemish fund for science) expert panel MED 8 on ‘Health’ since 2018. Peter Feys is an editorial board member of ‘Multiple Sclerosis Journal’ and ‘Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair’. Previously, he was formal member of the Italian MS Society review board and served as management committee member in the COST action TD1006 (European Network on Robotics for NeuroRehabilitation, 2011-15) and is substitute management committee member of COST action CA16116 entitle ‘Wearable robots for augmentation, assistance or substitution of human motor functions’. In addition, he is secretary of ‘Move to Sport’ ( and member of the Flemish MS Support fund.


In 2018, Peter Feys contributed actively to WHO Rehabilitation Action Plan 2030 as voluntary part time consultant supported by the research council of UHasselt. The projects are embedded in the Department for Management of Noncommunicable Diseases, Disability, Violence and Injury Prevention, specifically the group on ‘Disability and Rehabilitation’ led by prof. dr. A. Cieza based in headquarters Geneva. A contribution was made to the ‘package of priority rehabilitation interventions’ project, especially to the overall methodology to identify the evidence base of effective rehabilitation interventions.

Dr. Lousin Moumdjian is a rehabilitation scientist, with Armenian roots, born and raised in Kuwait. She obtained her bachelor and master of physiotherapy from Charles University in Prague (2008-2013). Lousin then worked as a clinical physiotherapist in the Middle East before starting her research career by the end of October 2014 in Belgium. From 2014-2016, Lousin worked together Prof. Peter Feys (UHassetl) and Dr. Carmela Leone (Neurologist from Sicily) on the domain of cognitive-motor interference in persons with multiple sclerosis. Simultaneously, she served as the communications support of the European Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis Network (RIMS). In 2017, Lousin obtained funding to start her own PhD work with universities of Hasselt-REVAL and Ghent-IPEM, under the supervision of Prof. Feys and Prof. Leman respectively. With her PhD research, she investigated the effect of auditory-motor coupling on cognitive and motor functions in persons with multiple sclerosis. Today, Lousin continues her research lines, described as funemental and translational research as a post-doctoral researcher in Beligum extending investigations towards the progressive multiple sclerosis population as well as in degenerative cerebellar codnitions such as spinocerebellar ataxia.


Besides her position in Belgium, her international network and research collaborations extend to Finland, Canada, the Netherlands and Denmark. Internationally, Lousin serves as co-chair of the special interest group Mobility of the European Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis (RIMS) network since 2018.


For details of her scientific work, please consult:


You can also follow her on professionally on:

LinkedIn: Lousin Moumdjian

Or Twitter: @LousinMoumdjian

Session 2:Spasticity Session Speakers:

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Dr. Maryam Al-Awadhi:


She obtained her Bachelor Degree in Surgery and Medicine from Kuwait university in 2012 and completed her Kuwait Neurology board in 2019.

Currently she serves as an adult Neurologist at Ibn Sina Hospital and also participates with the Kuwait Neurology Board as a clinical tutor.

She has a special interest in Movement Disorders and supports the advancements of Ibn Sina hospital in providing specialized service to Movement Disorders patients.

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Dr. Salem AlKandiri:


Head of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Departments council & the head of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Department in PMR Hospital, Kuwait

He obtained his degree in general medicine & surgery from Kuwait university and completed the French board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation from Paris, France.

Currently also serves as the general secretary of Kuwait Medical Association & the head of Kuwait PMR Society

His clinical interests are: Adult Urological rehabilitation including Urodynamic study, pain management and Adult Neuro-rehabilitation including Management with Botulinum toxin injection for various conditions such as (Spasticity, Dystonia, Migraine Headache, Hyperhydrosis, Salivary Gland injections).

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Dr. Alia Alghwiri :


Obtained her PhD degree in Rehabilitation Sciences in 2011 from University of Pittsburgh, USA 

Serves as a full Professor at the Department of Physiotherapy, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Jordan, Amman since 2019.

Also serves as General Secretary the Jordanian Athletic Therapy Association & Medical committee member at the Jordanian Football Association & Board member at the Jordanian Sports Medicine Federation. Held the position of the President of the Jordanian Physiotherapy Society till 2020.

She has Over 10 years of teaching experience in the field of physical therapy and other rehabilitation sciences for undergraduate and graduate levels

Session 3: Spinal Muscular Atrophy Session Speakers:

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Dr. Asma Al Tawari MBBCh, DCH, MRCP, FRCPCH:


Head & Consultant of Pediatric Neurology Unit in the Pediatric Department at Al Sabah Hospital - Kuwait

-Dr. Al Tawari is currently a member of the Pediatric Department Counsel, a permanent international delegate member of Asian Ocean child neurology society, a member of Neuromuscular Committee and a member of acute flaccid paralysis committee 

Dr. Al Tawari has more than 20 publications in the field of Pediatric Neurology and congenital/ genetic diseases

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Mr. Joseph Bose:


Superintendent Occupational Therapist at PMR Hospital – Kuwait

Mr. Bose has over twenty-four years of experience as a Pediatric Occupational Therapist

He is a Clinical Instructor for Occupational Therapy at Kuwait University and was a Clinical Supervisor for freshly graduated Occupational Therapy trainees and staff 

Mr. Bose has a number of certifications and publications in the field of Occupational Therapy

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Dr. Charlotte Lilien:


Senior Research Physiotherapist at Oxford University – UK

She is part of Prof. Laurent Servais’ MDUK center, a new neuromuscular translational center founded by Oxford University and DMD HUB, UK

She worked for more than 6 years at the Institute of Myology and I-Motion based in Paris, France 

Dr. Lilien is an expert in outcome measure development, and a master trainer and consultant for scales and outcome measures used in neuromuscular clinical trials and clinics as well as part of the ActiMyo and Syde team

She has more than 30 publications related to Myopathies, focusing on SMA and DMD

Session 4:Parkinson's Disease Session Speakers:

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Dr. Walaa Kamel:


Specialist Neurologist at Ibn Sina Hospital – Kuwait

Associate Professor of Neurology in Egypt

She got her medical doctorate of Neurology in 2015 and her European Board of Neurology certification in 2017 

Dr. Walaa Kamel completed a Movement Disorders fellowship at the University of Nebraska in 2020 

She graduated from Harvard clinical research diploma in 2021

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Dr. Hanan Khalil:


Associate professor of Neurological Rehabilitation at Qatar University, college of health sciences and is a researcher in the area of outcome measures and exercise interventions for people with neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson's disease (PD)

As part of her PhD degree at Cardiff University-UK and for the past 10 years, Dr. Khalil has been actively involved in this area of research

She successfully obtained funding as a principal investigator and led several clinical studies - both observational and interventional - in people with PD

Dr. Khalil was a member of the International Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders society (MDS) task force for the Middle East and currently is a member of the MDS working group for the Middle East

Dr. Khalil led two multi-site projects for translating and validating standardised outcome measures in PD into Arabic. She also led several MDS educational courses in the area of rehabilitation for PD for the allied health professions

Dr. Khalil won the L’Oréal UNESCO for Women in Science Levant fellowship in 2018 and was selected for the TechWomen Emerging Leader Program award, as well as for the International Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders’ Society (MDS) LEAP program for young leaders of 2019

Her Research interests include refining the medical practices related to PD in Arabic countries with the specific objective of establishing a specialized PD multi-disciplinary care. Further research interests include outcome measures and exercise interventions for people with neurodegenerative diseases. 

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Dr. Tamine Capato, PT, PHD:


Post-Doc Movement Disorders Researcher at the Department of Neurology at the University of São Paulo in Brazil

Researcher at Radboudumc, Department of Neurology, Center of Expertise for Parkinson & Movement Disorders; in the Netherlands

She comes from a clinical background as a physiotherapist 

Her interest is in identifying and developing new approaches focusing on the improvement of balance and gait impairments in Parkinson’s Disease and related disorders

Dr. Capato is the chair of Movement Disorders INPA subgroup 

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